1. Global unequal distribution of resources
The natural resources globally tend to be unfairly distributed. Countries or economies in the developed world tend to have most of the resources that is two thirds of the resources and one third is left.
At country levels unfairly distribution is still witnessed with the majority poor having less compared to a few rich people. Man-made resources are also unfairly distributed. This aspect of unfairness causes a number of people to remain poor.
2. High standards of living/cost of living
Embracing high standard of living has led into high expenditures most of the time on luxury goods which are unnecessary. In an effort of lifting up the standard of living, most of people on earth make themselves run into poverty.
3. Inadequate education
Education is a determinant of placement in the social and economical lay down. Those educated have better chance of securing employment or being innovative or applying entrepreneurial skills to earn a living. The uneducated tend to be poor because they have little resources at their disposal. Thus they tend to serve the educated.
4. Environmental degradation
Land and its content capacity is the major factor of production. It forms the major source of income of agro based economy. The destruction of environment decreases its capacity to cater for the population hence causing poverty in less developed countries.
5. Economic and demographic trends.
6. Individual responsibility and welfare dependency.
Dullayo answered the question on May 12, 2018 at 10:16
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