Personal hygiene refers to caring for ones body by keeping it clean and healthy while allowing you to look and feel best.
Importance of personal hygiene:
1. Personal hygiene is considered a way of making ourselves attractive to opposite sex.
2. Personal hygiene increases the chances of succeeding in work or social settings since one looks presentable.
3. Personal hygiene helps to prevent the development and spread of infections and illnesses.
4. It also helps ti prevent the development and spread of bad odours.
5. Washing of hands after visiting the toilet and before and after eating can simply prevent spread of illness and development of disorders.
6. Cleaning of body influences self-esteem, confidence and motivation.
7. Personal hygiene prevents further infections and spread of diseases to others for example by treating immediately conditions such as head lice and athletes foot.
8. Helps to keep someone healthy, give you confidence and be pleasant for those around you.
9. Proper oral hygiene can help keep your teeth strong and prevent some painful dental problems.
10. Personal hygiene reduces the risk of infection and pain for example by cleaning and dressing suitably cut wounds.
11. Through assuring clean and well presented body, one projects a positive body image that reflects his/her personalities.
Dullayo answered the question on May 12, 2018 at 10:32
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