The Herodians
The Herodians were likely a sect supporting the ruling descendants of Herod the Great. Herod Antipas was the ruler appointed by Rome in 4 B.C. to govern the territory of Perea and Galilee.
In the book of Mark the Herodians can be found conspiring with religious leader in order to murder Jesus. They also tried to entrap Christ by asking him what they thought were difficult questions (see Mark 3:6, etc.). In the book of Matthew they align themselves with Pharisees and together try to trick Jesus by asking a question regarding taxes to Rome. (Matthew 22:16).
The Zealots
The Zealots were a group of people who wanted to kick the Roman Empire out of occupying the land of Israel. A disciple of Jesus (called Simon the Canaanite in Mark 3:18 and Matthew 10:4) is also named in Scripture Simon the Zealot (Simon Zelotes). He likely belonged to the Zealots group, hence his name.
The Elders
The elders or older men of a community who formed the ruling elite and were often members of official councils. The Gospels usually portray the elders (often with scribes, priests) as opposed to Christ to such an extent that they conspire to have him murdered. The New Testament also mentions elders as leaders of early Christian communities (1Timothy 5:17-20; 1Peter 5:15). The Book of Revelation gives a prominent role to the twenty-four elders who surround God’s throne (Revelation 4:4-11).
king1992 answered the question on June 29, 2018 at 07:25
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