Describe the adaptations of a fish gill to gaseous exchange.


Adaptations of a fish gill.



They are highly vascularized to increase the concentration gradient for maximum gaseous exchange.

They posses a counter-current flow system where blood flows in the opposite direction to the movement of water thus creating a steep concentration gradient for maximum gaseous exchange.

The gill filaments and the gill bar are elongated to offer a large surface area for maximum gaseous exchange.

There are numerous gill filaments to increase the surface area on which gaseous exchange takes place.

The gill filaments are moistened for easy dissolving of respiratory gases and diffusion.

There are gill rakers which prevent solids from coming into contact with the delicate parts of the gill system for maximum gaseous exchange.

Presence of an operculum which provides maximum time for diffusion of gases before being released for maximum gaseous exchange.
Osanariel answered the question on May 25, 2018 at 00:18

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