Discuss the history of special education in kenya


Discuss the history of special education in kenya



Special education was established in 1945 by churches like catholic and charitable organizations.Subsequent education commissions gave some recommendations on was to be done towards the handicapped but there was not much implementation until late 1980's when training of teachers for the handicapped was centralized at Kenya Institute of Special Education.The study found out that special education in various parts gained strength with the establishment of centers for the disabled,blind,the deaf and the physically handicapped.The institutions were initiated by churches.This confirms the little role of the government played in providing education to the disabled.though the government contributed by providing teachers for the special programs,much supervision and management was left in the hands of the sponsors.The study has found that the challenges special education face includes lack of physical facilities,qualified personnel,attitude by non disabled among others.
mike1996 answered the question on October 5, 2018 at 12:24

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