? The vacancy can be filled relatively quickly with internal sources but can take a lot longer with external sources
? Staff can be motivated if they get promotion for a job internally but it can mean there are no new ideas brought in by new staff
? The managers will already know if the employee has the required skills for the job if internal, however, with external the candidate’s skills are unproven
? With internal recruitment the number of potential candidates is restricted whereas with external the vacancy is open to a vast number of potential candidates
? When a vacancy is filled it will mean another one opening up and then requiring to be filled, but with external recruitment only one vacancy will need to be filled
? Can cause tension amongst staff if a colleague gets a job, but also if there is a new person in charge that they
have never met before
? Is cheaper to fill a vacancy using internal recruitment whereas external recruitment costs can be very high
lydiajane74 answered the question on June 1, 2018 at 06:38
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