Question: Humility is not stupidity discuss this theme in relation to Christian
Humility and timidity are difficult to distinguish as they largely exhibit similar characteristics. They are however on the opposite ends of a spectrum, In actual sense They are absolute opposites. The bible which is the Christian instruction manual, terms humility wisdom and timidity stupidity
Christianity is first recognizing that God is wisdom and consequently responding by seeking to understand His direction and commands in order to act according to those instructions. That’s humility
Casual reading of God’s word is not sufficient to produce an understanding, Christianity is not a blurry mystical science rather a structured system that can be understood and revered. The fear(unquestioning obedience) of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and acknowledging the holy one is understanding. Proverbs 9:10.
By wisdom God created the heaven and the earth. The prerequisite for enjoying the innumerable benefits of God’s wisdom is unquestioning obedience or humility.
Sadly though, many Christians are ignorant or otherwise settle into passivity believing God’s promise to bless them is without a responsibility on their part, They have not understood psalms 115:16 ‘The heaven even the heavens are the Lords but the earth HE has given to the children of men.
Man has a responsibility to respond accordingly. But many times he is in error while thinking he is responding accordingly. That is stupidity.
The non Christian will employ all God given resources(For every resources proceeds from God (John 1) to take care of every situation since ‘Gods help’ is not their default resort. In effect they achieve the benefits of God’s laws howbeit unknowingly. And view the unfruitful Christian as stupid
On the other hand fearing to trust wisdom(God) unquestioningly, is stupidity , for fools despise wisdom and instruction.Proverbs 4:7
In summary, we will not act stupidly if we understand and are full of Gods knowledge and understanding and act according to those instructions and commands.
On the other hand if we are ignorant and lack understanding we will act stupidly.
Having said that however , failing to absolutely recognise God’s wisdom is also stupidity.
penny1955 answered the question on June 12, 2018 at 19:09
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