Explain the process of preparing and editing a digital audio.


Explain the process of preparing and editing a digital audio.



Digital audio is created when a sound wave is converted into numbers - a process referred to as digitizing. It is possible to digitize sound from a microphone, a synthesizer, existing tape recordings, live radio and television broadcasts, and popular CDs.

1. Preparing a digital audio File:

- The first step is to digitize the analog material and recording it onto a computer readable digital media.

- The next step is to focus on balancing the sound quality against your available RAM and
Hard disk resources so as to set proper recording levels to get a good, clean recording.The formula for determining the size of the digital audio is;
(a) Monophonic = Sampling rate * duration of recording in seconds * (bit resolution / 8) * 1
(b) Stereo = Sampling rate * duration of recording in seconds * (bit resolution / 8) * 2
_ The sampling rate is how often the samples are taken.
_ The sample size is the amount of information stored. This is called as bit resolution.
_ The number of channels is 2 for stereo and 1 for monophonic.
_ The time span of the recording is measured in seconds.

2. Editing Digital audio.
Once a recording has been made, it will almost certainly need to be edited. The basic sound editing operations needed are described in the paragraphs that follow;

a. Multiple Tasks: Able to edit and combine multiple tracks and then merge the tracks and export them in a final mix to a single audio file.
b. Trimming: Removing dead air or blank space from the front of a recording and an unnecessary extra time off the end is your first sound editing task.
c. Splicing and Assembly: Using the same tools mentioned for trimming, you will probably want to remove the extraneous noises that inevitably creep into recording.
d. Volume Adjustments: If you are trying to assemble ten different recordings into a single track there is a little chance that all the segments have the same volume.
e. Format Conversion: In some cases your digital audio editing software might read a format different from that read by your presentation or authoring program.
f. Re-sampling or down-sampling: If you have recorded and edited your sounds at 16 bit sampling rates but are using lower rates you must re-sample or down-sample the file.
g. Equalization: Some programs offer digital equalization capabilities that allow you to modify a recording frequency content so that it sounds brighter or darker.
h. Digital Signal Processing: Some programs allow you to process the signal with reverberation, multitap delay, and other special effects using DSP routines.
Mwalimu Bonface answered the question on June 5, 2018 at 14:23

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