Explain the reasons why sorghum is able to tolerate drought better than most other grain crops.


Explain the reasons why sorghum is able to tolerate drought better than most other grain crops.



»Sorghum has well-developed and finely branched root system,which is very efficient in the absorption of water. Secondary roots develop from nodes below the surface. The permanent root system branches freely,both laterally and downwards into the soil. The roots finer and branch approximately twice as much as roots from maize plants.

» Sorghum has small leaf area per plant which limits transpiration.

»Sorghum leaves fold up more efficiently during warm, dry conditions than that of other grain crops.

» Sorghum has efficient transpiration ratio of 1:310, it uses 310parts of water to produce one part of dry matter compared to a ratio of maize of 1:400 for maize.

» The epidermis of the leaf of sorghum I'd corky and covered with a waxy layer which protects sorghum from dehydration.

»»When hot, the stomata closes rapidly to limit water loss and during dry periods, sorghum has the ability to remain in a virtually dormant stage and resume growth when conditions are favourable.
WANJALA002 answered the question on June 6, 2018 at 09:49

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