a.Data creation:It’s the process of putting together facts in an organized manner.
There two basic alternatives;
•Source documents – A great deal of data still originate in the form of manually prepared documents.
•Data capture – Data is produced in machine-sensible form at source and is read directly by a suitable device e.g. a bar code reader.
b.Data transmission:This depends on the method and medium of data collection adopted:
•If computer is located at a central place, the documents will be physically transmitted i.e. by the postman or courier services.
•It is also possible for data to be transmitted by means of telephone lines to central computer. In this case no source documents would be involved in the transmission process.
c.Data preparation:This is the transcription (conversion) of data from the source documents to a machine-readable form.Data collected using devices that directly capture data in digital form don’t require transcription.
d.Data conversion:Data may need to be converted from one media to another e.g. from floppy disk to hard disk for input to the computer.
e.Input validation:Data entered into the computer is subjected to validity checks by a computer program before being used for processing.
f.Sorting:This stage is required to re-arrange the data into a sequence required for processing. It’s a practical necessity for efficient processing of sequentially organized data in many commercial and financial applications.
Steve ju answered the question on June 6, 2018 at 21:06
- State the data collection media and methods(Solved)
State the data collection media and methods
Date posted: June 6, 2018. Answers (1)
- Types of errors during data collection(Solved)
Types of errors during data collection
Date posted: June 6, 2018. Answers (1)
- Describe types of files(Solved)
Describe types of files
Date posted: June 6, 2018. Answers (1)
- Advantages of direct files
Advantages of direct files
Date posted: June 6, 2018. Answers (1)
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Describe data storage hierarchy
Date posted: June 6, 2018. Answers (1)
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Give reasons why workers resist computers
Date posted: June 6, 2018. Answers (1)
- The two primary objectives of Operating System
The two primary objectives of Operating System use
Date posted: June 6, 2018. Answers (1)
- What is a digital circuit?(Solved)
What is a digital circuit?
Date posted: June 4, 2018. Answers (1)
- Explain two roles of a computer driver(Solved)
Explain two roles of a computer driver.
Date posted: June 4, 2018. Answers (1)
- Name three functions of computer drivers(Solved)
Name three functions of computer drivers.
Date posted: June 4, 2018. Answers (1)
- Write a program using C++ language that creates a two-by-three two-dimensional safe array of integers.Demonstrate that it works.(Solved)
Write a program using C++ language that creates a two-by-three two-dimensional safe array of integers.Demonstrate that it works.
Date posted: May 29, 2018. Answers (1)
- Rework the strtype class below so it uses new and delete.
using namespace std;
class strtype {
char *p;
int len;
strtype(char *ptr);
strtype::strtype (char *ptr)
len =...(Solved)
Rework the strtype class below so it uses new and delete.
using namespace std;
class strtype {
char *p;
int len;
strtype(char *ptr);
strtype::strtype (char *ptr)
len = strlen(ptr);
p = (char *) malloc(len+1);
if(!p) {
cout << "Allocation error \n";
cout << "Freeing p\n";
void strtype::show()
cout <
cout << "\n";
strtype s1("This is a test"), ("i like C++");
return 0;
Date posted: May 29, 2018. Answers (1)
- Using c++ language, create a function called recip() that takes one double reference parameter.Have the function change the value of that parameter into its reciprocal.Write...(Solved)
Using c++ language, create a function called recip() that takes one double reference parameter.Have the function change the value of that parameter into its reciprocal.Write a program to demonstrate that it works
Date posted: May 29, 2018. Answers (1)
- Given the following class, show how to initialize a ten-element array so that x has the values 1 through 10.
class samp {
i x;
samp(int n) {x...(Solved)
Given the following class, show how to initialize a ten-element array so that x has the values 1 through 10.
class samp {
i x;
samp(int n) {x = n; }
int getx() {return x ;}
Date posted: May 29, 2018. Answers (1)
- Show how to allocate a float and an int by using new. Also, show how to free them by using delete.(Solved)
Show how to allocate a float and an int by using new. Also, show how to free them by using delete.
Date posted: May 29, 2018. Answers (1)
- Create a function called mag() using the following prototype that raises num to the order of magnitude specified by order.(use C++ language)
void mag(long &num, long...(Solved)
Create a function called mag() using the following prototype that raises num to the order of magnitude specified by order.(use C++ language)
void mag(long &num, long order);
For example, if num is 4 and order is 2, when mag() returns, num will be 400.Demonstrate in a program that the function works.
Date posted: May 29, 2018. Answers (1)
- The copy constructor is also involked when a function generates the temporary object that is used as the function's return value. With this in...(Solved)
The copy constructor is also involked when a function generates the temporary object that is used as the function's return value. With this in mind, consider the following output:
constructing nomally
constructing normally
constructing copy
This output was created by the following program. Explain why, and describe precisely what is occuring.
using namespace std;
class myclass {
myclass(const myclass &o);
myclas f();
// Normal constructor
cout << "Constructing normally\n";
// Copy constructor
myclass::myclass(const myclass &ocout << "Constructing copy\n";
// Return an object.
myclass myclass::f()
myclass temp;
return temp;
int main()
myclass obj;
obj = obj.return 0;
Date posted: May 29, 2018. Answers (1)
- Explain the purpose of copy constructor and how it differs from a normal constructor.
Explain the purpose of copy constructor and how it differs from a normal constructor.
Date posted: May 29, 2018. Answers (1)
- Given this particular defined class;
class strtype {
char *p;
int len;
char *getstring() { return p;}
int getlength() { return len;}
add two constructor functions. Have the first one...(Solved)
Given this particular defined class;
class strtype {
char *p;
int len;
char *getstring() { return p;}
int getlength() { return len;}
add two constructor functions. Have the first one take no parameters. Have this one allocate 255 bytes of memory (using new), initialize that memory as a null string, and give len a value of 255. Have the other constructor take two parameters. The first is the string to use for initialization and the other is the number of bytes to allocate. Have this version allocate the specified amount of memory and copy the string to that memory. Perform all necessary boundary checks and demonstrate that your constructors work by including a short program.
Date posted: May 29, 2018. Answers (1)
- Explain what is wrong with the following program and then fix it.
// This program contains an error.
using namespace std;
class myclass {
int *p;
myclass(int i);
Explain what is wrong with the following program and then fix it.
// This program contains an error.
using namespace std;
class myclass {
int *p;
myclass(int i);
~myclass() { delete p;}
friend int getval(myclass o);
p = n;
if(!p) {
cout << "Allocation error\n";
*p = i;
int getval(myclass o)
return *o.p; // get value
int main()
myclass (2);
cout << getval (a) << " " <cout <<"\n";
cout << getval(a) << " " << getval(b);
return 0;
Date posted: May 29, 2018. Answers (1)