Outline a typical sequence of actions carried out when an interrupt occurs in the central processing unit


Outline a typical sequence of actions carried out when an interrupt occurs in the central processing unit



1.The current fetch-execute cycle is completed
2.The contents of the program counter, which points to the next instruction of the program to be executed, must be stored away safely so it can be restored after servicing the interrupt.
3.The contents of other registers used by the user program are stored away
safely for later restoration
4.The source of the interrupt is identified
5.Interrupts of a lower priority are disabled
6.The program counter is loaded with the start address of the relevant
interrupt service routine.
7.The interrupt service routine is executed
8. The saved values belonging to the user program for registers other than the program counter are restored to the processor’s registers
9. Interrupts are re-enabled
10. The program counter is restored to point to the next instruction to be
fetched and executed in user program

Steve ju answered the question on June 7, 2018 at 18:00

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