Explain the political success of the united nations.
International Organization is a intergovernmental organization that aims to attain international cooperation and international order. The organization was established on 24th October 1945 after the second world war to prevent such an occurrence in the future. At its onset it had 51 member state and over the years the number has increased to 193 states. United Nations has made political success since the time of it's conception to date. Human beings are political in nature and are unpredictable. In this case the United Nations formation has succeeded to 'tame' member states from being over ambitious and pry on others. The political success are evident through the following ways.
To begin with United Nations through its peace keeping troop has led to peace in war torn countries around the world. Civil strife is a reality of the modern world. Endless wars from various parts of each continent has led to political instability. Both proponents and opponents engage in violence. Massive loss of lives in the name of ethnic cleansing and destruction of property worth huge sums of money. The United Nations through its peace keeping troops have been able to contain the warring factions until peace is realised. For instance in Rwanda the 1994 genocide that claimed the lives of many led to the intervention of the United Nations to come in and save the situation. The United Nations troops played a role in bringing to an end war in the Yugoslavia through the United Nations Protection Forces. Peace keeping troops are also in south Sudan to help in restoring peace in the newly established country due to civil war that began in 2013. The recent one is Syria and the crisis at hand of Asad regime and rebel groups in Syria.
These peace keeping missions have bore fruits in many war torn nations. Stability has been realised in some such that the number of refugees moving back to there country is tremendously increasing especially in East Africa where refugees in Kenya are moving back to their respective countries which are neighbouring Kenya such as Somalia, south Sudan among other states.Peace keeping troops are able to reduce the rate of civilians deaths. They also are able to convince the warring factions to come to the table and negotiate a truce. At the same time this reduces political instability in the country.
Secondly Political success of the united nations is evident in conducting free and fair elections in countries which have been faced by civil unrest brought by rigged elections and other malpractices. Free and fair elections is what everybody yearns for in their countries but it is many a times not a reality. Countries with dictatorial and totalitarian regimes have led to the United Nations Organisation to move in and intervene on behalf of the helpless citizens at the mercy of their leaders to make changes through running elections which have been free and fair. For instance United Nations ousted Saddam Hussein in Iraq through conducting a free and fair elections in which the citizens of Iraq voted in the interim government. The United Nations Security Council has established United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) to help in the protection of human rights of the citizens in Democratic Republic of Congo and help the government of the day to regain stability and hold free and fair elections in the coming days. DRC has been under governed by dictatorial rulers since the days of Mobutu Seseko to the present day Kabila. These regimes have had no respect for human rights. The intervention of United Nations is to advocate for democracy in these countries and equal opportunity to all.
United Nations Organisation is also advocating for inclusivity of women in politics and a number of countries have adopted this by including women in political position and other elective posts such as members of parliament to participate in legislation of women rights. For instance in Liberia, the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) took the initiative of establishing a project on leveling the playing field for women participation in Liberia governance. These projects have led to equal media coverage of both genders, increased representation of women in parliament, equality of rights for both women and children among others.
Thirdly, prosecution and bringing to book world leaders who have caused crime against humanity is a political success of the United Nations Organisation. Through the establishment of the Rome Statute many world leaders have been prosecuted and jailed by the United Nations at the Hague. The International Criminal Court was established by the United Nations on 17th July 1998 and took effect on 1st July 2002. The number of countries that have joined the International Criminal Court has increased to 123. The court was established to help bring to book world leaders or persons that have violated human rights of others which is a fundamental principles of the United Nations which is protecting human rights. The court is concerned with cases such as genocide,war crimes, crimes against humanity and crime of aggression. Political success is evident as since the time of it's establishment a number of leaders have been prosecuted charged and either sentenced to death or given long jail terms. Examples include Charles Taylor of Liberia sentenced for fifty years in prison for committing crimes against humanity. Milosevic of Serbia was arrested and taken to the Hague where he died in prison. Laurent Gbagbo was the first sitting head of state to be taken in custody at the Hague. Other leaders such as Jean Pierre Bemba, Bosco Ntaganda are among the Congolese leaders in the Hague with Pierre Bemba acquitted.
Fourthly the Political success of United Nations is evident in there efforts to promoting arms control. After the second world war the world was devastated by the way weapons of mass destruction were used. Nuclear weapons such as plutonium were used and the damages caused by the nuclear bombs were servere entire generations wiped within seconds. The United Nations was therefore created to avoid such wars in the future. Through this the united nations has succeeded in maintaining world peace. The United Nations encourages the use of peaceful ways of handling disputes among states faced with border conflicts. Through the United Security Council comprising of five permanent members played a key role in ensuring that the treaty of Non-Proliferation of Nuclear weapons was adhered to by states around the world. This treaty was established in 1968. This is a political success realised by the United Nations for since it was established the world has not witnessed any other world war.
In addition the United Nations has achieved political success in repartraiting refugees back in their mother countries. Around the world very many countries are faced with wars majority of the cause of wars in these countries is due to political problems. Hence citizens seek refuge in other countries. The United Nations then send their peace keeping troops to help in restoring peace in those war torn countries. They then help in repartraiting citizens of that particular country so as to get back with their normal lives and promote polutical,economic and social growth of that country. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees has been on the forefront of seeing to it that the refugees are not only repartriated but also accorded dignity, good shelter,new hospitals and provision of clean water and sanitation. These projects have been undertaken in countries such as Liberia where a number of refugees returned to Liberia after the civil war. They were accorded security and free transportation from the refugee camps back to Liberia.
Moreover establishing and giving recognition to new states. The United Nations has played a maj
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