Using a friend, show how to overload the -- relave to the coord class. Define both the prefix and postfix forms.


Using a friend, show how to overload the -- relave to the coord class. Define both the prefix and postfix forms.



using namespace std;
class coord {
int x, y; //coordinate valuespublic:
coord() {x=0; y=0;}
coord(int i, int j) {x=i; y=j;}
void get_xy(int &i, int &j) {i=x; j=y;}
friend coord operator--(coord &ob);//preiend coord operator--(coord &ob, int notused);//postfix
coord operator--(coord &ob)
return ob;
coord operator--(coord &obnt notused)
return ob;
int main()
coord o1(10, 10);
int x, y;
--o1; //decrement an object
o1.get_xy(x, y);
cout << "(--o1) "<< x <<" y: << y << "\n";
o1--; //decrement an object
o1.get_xy(x, y);
cout << "(o1--) x: "<return 0;
Githiari answered the question on June 8, 2018 at 18:44

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