• Always ensure that the environment in which the experiment of taste is taking place is always clean and free of germs. This will ensure that there is no infection that may result from the experiment. The teacher should ensure that children’s hands are clean and free of germs, and also ensure that the food to be tasted is also clean.
• Always ensure that you are around to supervise the children during the taste experiment. This is to ensure that they do not put in the mouth poisonous staff that may harm the children. Supervision of children is important to ensure their safety.
• The teacher should caution children that not all things can be tasted. She or he should insist that children should not try to taste something in the absence of an adult. For instance when at home they should avoid putting substances in their mount in the absence of an adult for some substance may be poisonous and dangerous to their health. Let them know tasting substance that they are not sure of may make them sick or even end their lives. They should avoid tasting anything they come across.
• The teacher should be aware of children with different allergies ahead of tasting activity. Some children have allergy for certain foods and therefore such children should not engage in tasting substance that they are allergic to. Early precaution should be taken by the teacher to find out children with such problems ahead of the experiment to keep them safe.
• Children should be cautioned to avoid mouth to mouth contact when doing experiment of taste. This is to ensure that they do not infect each other with flue or any other bacterial diseases. Some infectious diseases such as cough and flue can be easily spread when children’s face come into close contact with each other. Teacher should therefore ensure that she controls the way in which children mingle during the tasting activity.
• Teacher should avoid bringing irritating substance for children to taste. Substance such as pepper is not advisable for children. The teacher should also ensure that children only access small amount of substance for tasting. When tasting substance such as sugar and salt the teacher should ensure that she controls the amount the learners taste for the purpose of their health.
• The teacher should also consider the temperature of the substance that children taste. Tasting too cold or too hot substance may be dangerous to the children. Hot substance may burn or scald children while tasting cold things may cause flue to the children. The teacher should therefore ensure that the temperature of the substance being tasted is always moderate.
Smwenje answered the question on November 18, 2018 at 11:03
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