a) Water dispersal
-Such seeds and fruits enclose air in them to lower their density for buoyancy;
-They are fibrous/ spongy to lower the density for buoyancy;
-Have impermeable seed coat or epicarp to prevent water from entering during flotation so as to avoid rotting;
-The seeds can remain viable while in water and only germinate while on a suitable medium;
b) Wind dispersal
- They are light; and small; to be easily carried by wind currents due to lower density;
-Have developed extension which create a larger surface area; so as to be kept afloat in wind currents e.g. Parachute like structures; Wing like structures;
c) Animal dispersal
1. Small and light; to float in air/blown by air; Have wings; to increase buoyancy;
2. Have hairs/parachute shaped; to increase buoyancy in air.
3. Animal dispersal;
4. Are succulent; to attract animals;
5. Scented; to attract animals.
6. Have small and hard seeds resistant to digestive enzymes;to prevent digestion once swallowed; Have
7. hooks; to attach to fur/hair of animals;
8. Brightly coloured; to attract animals;
9. Water dispersal;
10. Water proof epicarp; to prevent entry of water or soaking;
11. Fibrous mesocarp; with air spaces to increase buoyancy in water;
12. Self-explosive mechanism;
13. Have lines of weakness; where they break to release seeds;
14. Have rings of pores; through which seeds are released;
- Brightly colored to attract animals
-Fleshy to attract animals;
- Some have hook like structures to attach on animals fur
Self dispersal
- They have weak lines on the fruit wall along which they burst open to release seeds, which get scattered. This occurs when temperature changes suddenly
Partson254 answered the question on June 11, 2018 at 06:57
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(a) State:
i) Function of contractile vacuole
ii) Function of psedopodium
(b) Give one difference between a plant cell and an amoeba.
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