Explain and give advantages of plant cuttings as a method of asexual propagation in plants


Explain and give advantages of plant cuttings as a method of asexual propagation in plants



1.Plant cuttings
>Allows the production of clones or plants which are considered “duplicates” of the parent plants.
>It is advantageous where a plant does not produce seeds, the seeds are sterile, or whenever seeds are not available.
>Many new plants can be produced in a limited space from a few stock plants.
>It is simple and can be easily applied without having to learn the special techniques in grafting or budding.
>It is rapid because there is no need to produce root stocks.

Plant cuttings may consist of segments of the roots, whole leaves or portions of leaves, or segments of stems which are used as starter planting materials.
So could be root cuttings, leaf cuttings, leaf-bud cuttings or stem cuttings

>In sugarcane, the stem cutting is called cane cutting while in bamboo, it is culm cutting

Anganifelix answered the question on June 11, 2018 at 14:20

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