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Explain seven ways in which Christians make use of science and technology to spread the gospel


Explain seven ways in which Christians make use of science and technology to spread the gospel.



i. Through the use of electronic media e.g. radio, television, video cassettes, cinemas to preach/ teach the good news
ii. Christians use public address systems when preaching to large congregations during Christian crusades, rallies and conventions. They make use of modern means of communication, automobiles, aeroplanes and trains to travel from place to place to preach, teach, evangelize and to send missionaries
iii. Christians make use of recorded cassettes to preach or for recording gospel music which people can listen to.
iv. Christians make use of modern musical instruments, electronic guitars, key boards for accompaniment in music
v. Christians use telephones, fax, postal services that are efficient and fast to stations, country to country which are essential in running of the churches
vi. Use of typewriters, computers, printing machines has enabled the churches to put messages/ teachings in writing so that they can be read by more people or enable them print their literature for wider readership
vii. Technology in architecture: Building technology has enabled the church not only to put sanctuaries from where to preach to the people but also to put up other complexes e.g. halls, schools offices for the work of the church
viii. In medicine, the churches have used modern technology to equip the hospitals and modern medicine to treat the sick/ carry out the healing ministry
ix. Scientific research, innovations in different disciplines which have been adopted by the church and this has contributed to their critically looking at methods and approaches sued in spreading the gospel with the intention of changing to modern methods and approaches
x. The use of modern technology in industry, agriculture and commerce has helped to bring more money to the churches which is essential in spreading the gospel and for work of the church
xi. The use of modern equipment for leisure e.g. games, chama, social activities, parties has helped enhance the work of the church
xii. Scientific discoveries and exploitations have gone a long way to affirm and attest the truth of the gospels e.g. archeological discoveries


How has modern media technology has enhance evangelization?

- use of electronic media such a television and radio to teach the God News has
enabled preachers to read large number of people.
- Use of public address systems during crusader has allowed clearer delivery of messages.
- Use of modern means of communication has shorten the distances of evangelists
- Gospel music is recorded in cassettes and distributed globally.
- Modern technology such as DVDs VCDs and Cassettes are used to record preaching and Gospel music which can be listened for a long time after the actual events.
- The mass media has allowed people to listen to preaching from wherever they are be it at home, in office or while traveling.
- Print media has allowed the message to be printed and distributed.
Partson254 answered the question on June 11, 2018 at 20:44

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