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Which factors led to reintroduction of multiparty system in Kenya in 1991?


Give factors that led to reintroduction of multiparty system in Kenya in 1991.



(i) Rigging especially during the 1988 general elections which was presided over by provincial administration officials.

(ii) Pressure from the clergy on the government to allow multipartism.

(iii) The findings of the then Vice President George Saitoti led Review Committee of 1990 in which it was recommended that the queue voting system be abolished and abolition of party expulsions.

(iv) KANU policies which failed to accommodate divergent views made critics strengthen the fight for multiparty system.

(v) Pressure from bilateral and Multilateral donors who demanded that Kenyan government should democratise,uphold good governance,accountability and transparency as well as respect for human rights before aid could be given.

(vi) Rampant corruption and grabbing of public resources.

(vii) Pressure from multiparty activists such as civil society,lawyers, journalists,NGOs and lecturers from public universities.

(viii)Kenyans were inspired by the success of multi-party system in Zambia and Togo where Kenneth Kaunda under United National Independence Party(UNIP) was defeated by Fredrick Chiluba under Movement for Multi-party Democracy(MMD).

maurice.mutuku answered the question on May 25, 2017 at 12:07

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