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What are the roles of opposition parties?


Explain the roles of opposition parties.



(i) They act as check on excesses of the government by highlighting the abuses of the government and putting it on its toes for service delivery.

(ii) Political parties serve as good training ground for political leadership.

(iii) Provides an alternative government in waiting in the event that the ruling party is unable to govern.

(iv) Political parties encourage co-operation and political association which promote national unity.

(v) Offers serious managerial and alternative solutions to country's problems in parliament.

(vi) Actively participate in political decision-making especially in the various parliamentary committees.

(vii) Sell their alternative ideas to the citizens on governance thus helping to mobilise the people to the people to participate in government.

(viii) They complement government efforts in national development for example,trade,health,education and political developments
maurice.mutuku answered the question on May 25, 2017 at 12:32

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