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What are the challenges facing the agricultural sector in Kenya?


Give the challenges facing the agricultural sector in Kenya.



(i) Population explosion which has outstripped food supply capacity.

(ii) HIV and AIDS threat which deprive the agricultural sector the much needed labour.

(iii) Poor infrastructure which discourage effective farming especially during rainy seasons.

(iv) Grabbing of agricultural land belonging to research institutions thus affecting the operations of these institutions.

(v) Rampant corruption and mismanagement of agricultural institutions and co-operatives.

(vi) Price fluctuations of agricultural products in the world market,yet there has been an increase in the cost of agricultural inputs.

(vii) Drought and famine persistence causing supply of relief food to those affected.

(viii) Problems in resettlement of the landless or squatters who occupy private or government land since attempts to evict them lead to politicisation or violent confrontation.

(ix) Outdated or bad cultural values where women and girls are not allowed to own land.

(x) High costs of farm inputs making the farmers undergo losses.

(xi) Persistent problems of pests and diseases which destroy agricultural products and animals.

(xii) Poor technology which hinder agricultural productivity.

(xiii) Political instabilities through ethnic clashes which discourage and inhibit farming due to insecurity.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on May 25, 2017 at 14:13

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