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What are the challenges faced by co-operative societies in Kenya?


Highlight the challenges faced by co-operatives in Kenya.



(i) Lack of interest by members in the co-operatives' affairs since they own small shares.

(ii) Fluctuation of prices of products in the world markets leading to low profits to farmers.

(iii) Political interference in the operations of co-operatives.

(iv) Rampant corruption and mismanagement of funds and resources by those in authority.

(v) Inability of most farmers to afford farm inputs.


Explain the problems experienced by cooperative societies.

-Limited supply of goods and services since they concentrate on pure or main goods for export
-Managerial problems due to inefficient committees, who lack appropriate education and relevant experience.
-Financial problems due to embezzlement of funds by leaders.
-Scattered population and poor basic infrastructures such as roads and other communication network.
-Political interference since the government does not let the co-operatives to operate independently
-Corruption particularly in recruitment of personnel which leads to inefficiency.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on May 25, 2017 at 14:41

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