Explain the following observations. When burning magnesium is lowered into a gas jar of carbon(4) oxide it continues burning, but when burning zinc is lowered into...


Explain the following observations when burning magnesium is lowered into a gas jar of carbon(4) oxide it continues burning,but when burning zinc is lowered into a gas jar of carbon (4) oxide it does not burn.



Magnesium is an alkaline earth metal and it is lower in the activity series thus its able to bond with the oxygen in carbon (iv)oxide to form magnesium oxide since oxygen supports combustion.Zinc is in the middle of the reactivity series hence it has a very low affinity for oxygen and therefore cannot bond easily with the oxygen in carbon (iv)oxide hence combustion is not supported due to lack of oxygen.
Chemist2018 answered the question on June 28, 2018 at 13:14

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