Explain the soft and hard Human Resource Management Models


Explain the soft and hard Human Resource Management Models.



Hard human resource management model emphasizes matching employees with the organization strategies. This model proposes that:

1. Employees are just like other factor of production input, output equation.

2. There is need to improve employee utilization by using the cost effectively.

3. Employee interests are the same to that of organization for example unitary.

4. This model is also concerned with developing direct links rather than trade unions.

5. Employees are more involved in improvement of quality and productivity rather than business decision making.

6. Emphasis is on the term resource which implies the deployment of human resource in a calculative and instrumental way or economic gain.

7. Hard human resource management is associated with efficiency seeking devices such as assessment of human resource and performance related.

8. Investment in training and development must fit in the business strategy.

However, hard human resource management model assumes that the needs of the firm are paramount and increasing productivity is the management’s goal.

It also assumes that organization needs come first. This model is also based on strategic control and systems of managing people.

Soft human resource management model proposes that:

Employees are not like other resources, they think and react

Employees should participate in decision making

Employees need opportunities for personal growth and advancement.
Employee needs for empowerment and influence should be consistent with the overall business and management philosophy.

Human resource management should encourage high employee commitment into the organization.

From the foregoing, soft human resource management model is more development oriented with the humanistic focus based on explicit statements about the value of employees. Employees are seen as active partners who are creative and innovative rather than passive input.

An organization practicing soft human resource management would be expected to stress the importance of employee commitment, trust and loyalty.

Dullayo answered the question on June 25, 2018 at 04:42

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