Phonic is a method of teaching children to read and pronounce words by correlating sounds with symbols in alphabetical writing system. Phonic is the science of sound and phonics is a way of teaching beginners readers to match letters and sounds.by associating letters with sounds.
• Teacher can write a word say ‘chair’ on the blackboard and ask children to pronounce or read the sounds in the word chair. The teacher can use this method with different words until the children masters all the sounds.
• Children can learn phonetics through rote reading. The teacher can do this by encouraging the children to read after him or her. For instance the teacher can stand in front of the class and tell the children to read sounds and alphabets after him or her. E.g a teacher can say b for ball and the children should repeat the same words after her. In this method children are simply taught how to pronounce sounds without really knowing how that sounds looks like but they are able to gain the articulation of sounds and words.
• Teacher can use recorded tapes with vowels, sounds and alphabetical letters to teach learners reading skills. The children will listen to how the vowels, sounds, alphabets and words are being pronounced and repeat until they master.
• By use of charts where the teacher draws pictures accompanied with sounds of letters. For instance a teacher can draw a picture on an apple and write sound ‘a’ beside the picture and encourage the children to read the sound by pronouncing the name of the apple e.g ‘a’ for “apple”. This method increases retention of sound learnt since the child is able to relate it to an object. It teaches the children how to pronounce and read both sounds and words at the same time.
• The teacher can also teach the children the phonetics through songs. This should be a song that contains the sounds or alphabets and it enables the children to pronounce the sounds and alphabets as they sing. This type of singing makes learning enjoyable for the children and it also helps them to master the sounds much easily.
• Teacher can also use games to teach phonetics. Games can include fishing game where the teacher prepares flashcards with sounds, letters and words and puts them in a flash card bag or in a medium carton box. The children are then encouraged to pick a card from a pool of cards and read the sounds or letters written on the flash card. This method of reading encourages children to be able to read as many letters and sounds as possible.
Smwenje answered the question on November 17, 2018 at 13:59
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