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What are the challenges facing culture and sports development in Kenya?


Give the challenges facing culture and sports development in Kenya.



(i) Piracy especially in music,drama and theatre industries.

(ii) Exploitation on royalty payments in music industry,art and drama.

(iii) Corruption and embezzlement of funds meant for advancement of these industries which demoralise local sportsmen and women.

(iv) Inadequate facilities for sports,games and recreation especially because most are located in towns,thus the need to decentralize them to rural areas.

(v) Poor remuneration locally has made many participants be poached by more developed states and clubs.

(vi) Inadequate funds to enhance cultural performance thus exposing it to politicization.

1. Poor attitude.

2. Lack of proper patent laws.

3. Poor financial rewards.

4. Emergence of new entertainment facilities.

5. Lack of cultural policy.

6. Poor tapping of talents.

7. The western culture mentality.

8. Imitation of western artists.

9. Presence of pornographic movies.

10. Corruption in sports.

11. Regional limitation of particular sports.

12. High level of piracy.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on May 26, 2017 at 07:55

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