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What are the objectives of devolved governments in Kenya?


Explain the objectives of devolved governments in Kenya.



(i) To promote and protect interests and rights of the minorities and marginalised communities.

(ii) To ensure equitable sharing of national and local resources throughout Kenya.

(iii) To promote social and economic development and provision of easily accessible services throughout Kenya.

(iv) To enhance checks and balances and the separation of powers.

(v) To facilitate the decentralisation of state organs,their functions and services from the capital of Kenya.

(vi) To promote democratic and accountable exercise of power.

(vii) To foster national unity by recognising diversity.

(viii) To give powers of self governance to the people and enhance their participation in making decisions affecting them.

(ix) To recognize the right of the communities to manage their own affairs and to further their development.

State the objectives of devolution in Kenya.

i) To promote democratic and accountability exercise of power
ii) To ensure equitable sharing of national and local resources among counties
iii) Foster unity through appreciating national diversity
iv) To enhance checks and balances and separation of powers
v) To promote social and economic development as counties plan for themselves and priorities development
vi) To promote interest and rights of minorities as each county is catered for irrespectively of tribal or region location
vii) Facilitate decentralization of state organs and their functions from capital to county (lower) levels
viii) Enhance participation of people in decision making at lower capital to (county) levels
maurice.mutuku answered the question on May 26, 2017 at 09:00

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