Design an adult education program outlining its key features


Design an adult education program outlining its key features.



Education Programme

A program designed on a full-time or part-time basis to help the participants acquire knowledge, skills and behavioural change that will engage participants in solving thier real life problems. In the program, participants will engage in any adult learning opportunity, whether special or regular, whatsoever according to their aims to develop new skills or qualifications, or to improve existing skills, even acquisition of information.
The program/process will consequently apply collective undertakings to examine a common concern or problem. Learners participation will be an empowerment process in which people, partnership with those able to assist them, identify problems and needs and increasingly take responsibility to plan, manage, control and assess the collective actions that are taken by both individual levels and community levels.
Below are sample adult education programmes(full-time and part-time programmes) outlined for one academic year.
1) Full-time Programme


Intakes (new students)

Staff Meeting and
Designing of the Teaching Timetable


Reporting of Continuing Students

Learning Resumes For Term

Administrating of C. A. T.s
And Marking


Learning Resumes After C.A.Ts


Setting of Exams and


Revision For Final Examinations


End of Term Examinations


Closing Week

Part B: Part-time Programme


6:00AM - 7:30AM

Morning Classes


Lunch Hour (Classes)

4:00PM - 6:00 PM

Evening Classes


10AM - 12:00PM

Morning Classes

2:00PM - 4:00 PM

Evening Classes

Evaluation Of The Program
An adult education programme evaluation refers to the systematic that involves investigation of the value and quality of an adult education programme on such factors as; accountability, sustainability, efficiency and effectiveness to real-life application. In evaluating the adult education programme, a participatory framework is assigned in which a core team serves to organize,synthesis and coordinate the evaluation exercise in collaboration with other stakeholders.
Evaluation is a complex exercise that uses different techniques or tools to collect quantitative and qualitative data. Qualitative data involves "qualities, inputs, process, outcomes and contents(Scheirer 1994). Quantitative data, on the other hand, indicates the measurable amounts, such as the number of participants in a programme, the quantity or number of the program materials, the amount of money needed etc.
There are a number techniques that can be used during the evaluation of the adult education programme exercise: Some of these techniques are listed below
a) The use of questionnaires.
A questionnaire is a specific set of written questions which aims to extract specific information from the chosen respondents. The questions and answers are designed in order to gather information about attitudes, preferences and factual information of respondents.
Some of the most common include:
Email Questionnaires: distributing questionnaires online via email.
Face to Face Questionnaires: administering questionnaires in real time by a researcher reading the questions.
Internet Questionnaires : collecting data via a form (with closed or open questions) on the web.
Mobile Questionnaires: using mobile phones to distribute surveys, either by linking with an adapted internet-based survey or through a specific survey app.
Mail questionnaires: posting hard copies to participants to be returned.
Telephone Questionnaires: administering questionnaires by telephone.
b) Interviews.
An interview evaluation form allows the interviewers to score a consistent way of comparing ideals fairly. Data is then transferred to a scorecard used by the hiring manager to determine which approaches, methodology, contents etc. based on all interviewer feedback, is the best fit for the programme.

c) Discussion Evaluation
As with the previous pre-performance evaluation informal discussion, the focus of the discussion should be on the known parameters and staff member working in partnership to achieve the common goal of enhanced effectiveness.
c) Logbooks and Journals .
This kind of evaluation involves obtaining and extracting information from secondary sources amidst cross-reference. This literally materials involves books, journals, Logbooks and other references materials from already established organization/programmes.
d) Community forum approach.
Community forum approach evaluate encourages the involvement of the local community members. In the case of evaluation, the perceptions of individuals in the community or a group of locals are put into consideration.
Other form of evaluating an adult education programme may involve the use of tests and administration examinations both during and at the end of the learning process/outcome. This type of evaluation is used to determine the successful and failures of the objectives of the learning outcomes as per the learner-content and educator-content interactions. This type of evaluation is categorized under either formative assessment or summartive evaluation.on. Formative evaluation is typically conducted during the development or improvement of a program or course, and this may include the administering of Continuous Assessment Tests(C.A.T.s). On the other hand, summative evaluation involves making judgments about the efficacy of a program or course at its end. This may include administering of the end of term examinations.
kawasaki_254 answered the question on July 1, 2018 at 09:27

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