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Robots are to be used extensively on a new car assembly line. Write a report evaluating the impact on quality, and the financial implications of this...


Robots are to be used extensively on a new car assembly line.
Write a report evaluating the impact on quality, and the financial implications of this use of ICT.



Robots can be programmed to perform tasks very accurately/consistently
Robots can perform very intricate operations and work in hazardous conditions
Humans may be inconsistent due to distractions/personal issues

Financial Implications
There is a very high initial investment due to hardware and software costs
Using robots instead of humans will be to a reduced wages bill as fewer employees are needed to assemble cars as robots can perform most of the tasks performed by humans
However, the financial benefit will occur over the longer term
queen babito answered the question on July 3, 2018 at 03:23

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