How are the powers of an American President controlled?


Explain how the powers of an American President are controlled.



(i) Presidents are limited to two four-year terms.

(ii) Public opinions normally measured in terms of opinion polls reflect the wishes and feelings of the American people.

(iii) Must always be alert due to periodic elections,that is,after every 2 years for House of Representatives and a third of senate,lest he loses the majority in congress.

(iv) The senate must approve his appointments.

(v) The congress may refuse to approve expenditure of money on an issue it disagrees.

(vi) The President may be impeached by the congress if his conduct is not satisfactory.

(vii) Supreme court may declare The President to have acted "unconstitutionally" on a decision.

(viii) President's actions and speeches are keenly monitored by the mass media.

(ix) Pressure groups such as the Human Rights Activists act to check on The President's power and actions.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on May 26, 2017 at 13:44

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