What are the principles of a good budget?


What are the principles of a good budget?



a) Should be accompanied by an account of the performance of the fiscal policies and programmes during the previous year. This provides a basis for designing on what should be done looking at what was done.
b) Should be accompanied by analytical description of the current economic situation, coupled with the position of the treasury i.e. whether there is money or not.
c) Proposal should be clearly comprehensible so that correct judgment can be formed as to the way in which the budget is expected to function in the coming year.
d) Financial estimates should as close to the actual as possible under normal circumstances.
e) It should reflect the overall policy and purpose of the government and should be designed so as to help the society move nearer to the goal.
f) An economic and functional classification of the budget will depict its role in the working of the economy in a clearer way than the financial proposal.

Judiesiz answered the question on July 7, 2018 at 00:36

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