What is the evidence supporting the theory of continental drift?


Give the evidence supporting the theory of continental drift.



(i) Jig Saw fit of the continental margins for example,eastern coastline of South America and western coastline of Africa.

(ii) Distribution of ancient glacial deposits.

(iii) Paleontological evidence that is,similarities of fossils in southern continents and between North America and Europe.

(iv) Similar geological structures between rocks in Brazil and Republic of South Africa.

(v) Sea floor spreading,that is,younger rocks in the middle of oceans while older rocks found near the coasts.

(vi) Climatological evidence points to coal today found in temperate latitudes but are believed to have formed in tropical climates.

(vii) Palaeozoic glacial deposits found widely dispersed in continents of South America,India and Australia.

(viii) Palaeomagnetic evidence shows similarities in magnetic alignment in minerals in igneous indicating that the continents must have been together.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on May 27, 2017 at 11:04

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