• God is active throughout people’s lives and is always with them and so there is no need for special feast days.
• It would be more benefi cial to carry out Christ’s actions by actively serving the poor than attending church to remember a past event.
• It may encourage Christians to only worship on these feasts and festivals and neglect God the rest of the time.
• It may remove God from everyday experiences, trials and tribulations.
On the other hand:
• The Church already carries out the actions of Christ by serving the poor on a regular basis, example Food banks, Missionary Societies, The Salvation Army, Shoebox appeal.
• Some feasts deserve special recognition, example Easter is the highpoint of the Church year.
• Festivals may give the believer a special sense of purpose.
• Festivals highlight the signifi cant aspects of the faith and it brings people together.
• Sacrifices are made during Lent and there is a great emphasis placed on giving alms to the poor.
marlinbito answered the question on July 11, 2018 at 12:13
- “Churches should baptise children even if their parents do not attend church.”
Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer.(Solved)
“Churches should baptise children even if their parents do not attend church.”
Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer.
Date posted: July 11, 2018. Answers (1)
- Explain why Baptism is an important sacrament/ordinance in the church(Solved)
Explain why Baptism is an important sacrament/ordinance in the church.
Date posted: July 11, 2018. Answers (1)
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Name three actions or symbols used in Baptism.
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