Figure 7 shows an experiment set-up that may be used to investigate one of the laws. The glass tube has a uniform bore and it is graduated in millimeters.


Figure 7 shows an experiment set-up that may be used to investigate one of the laws. The glass tube has a uniform bore and it is graduated in millimeters.
(i) Describe how the experiment is carried out and explain how the results obtained verify the law.
(ii) State two limitations of the set-up.



(i) Some volume of a gas is trapped by concentrated sulphuric acid in the narrow tube. Water is heated and the volume (length) H of the trapped air increases as temperature are T rises. Values of length (volume) of air and corresponding values of temperature are tabulated. A graph of volume against temperature is plotted. The graph is a straight line cutting T at -273oC, showing that volume is directly proportional to absolute temperature.

(ii) - The experiment can only be carried out for a short temperature range

- Keeping the pressure constant is difficult
johnmulu answered the question on May 29, 2017 at 05:35

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