• Some of the main events in the church calendar are also holidays. This means that most people, whether Christian or not, will be celebrating them in some way.
• Celebrations of a secular nature often include consumerism. Some Christian festivals have become occasions for spending sprees, such as Christmas and Easter.
• Saints days can become abused and the religious meaning forgotten, for example, Saint Patrick’s Day.
• For many people, the festivals which are not commercialised are overlooked or ignored, such as Pentecost.
On the other hand:
• There are many popular activities which do remind people of events in the Bible and celebrate important events in the life of Jesus.
• Some Christians get involved in charity work or make a special effort for someone lonely or in need – this reflects the true spirit of Christian festivals.
• Some churches are active in their local area promoting special events in the church calendar which reminds people of the true meaning of these festivals.
marlinbito answered the question on July 13, 2018 at 06:19
- Give reasons why Christians celebrate Pentecost.
Give reasons why Christians celebrate Pentecost.
Date posted: July 13, 2018. Answers (1)
- “Christians should never seek revenge.’’ Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer.
“Christians should never seek revenge.’’ Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer.
Date posted: July 13, 2018. Answers (1)
- Explain why Jesus told the Parable of the Sower.
Explain why Jesus told the Parable of the Sower.
Date posted: July 13, 2018. Answers (1)
- “The Church’s teaching on moral issues never goes out of date.”
Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer showing that you have...(Solved)
“The Church’s teaching on moral issues never goes out of date.”
Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer showing that you have considered different points of view.
Date posted: July 13, 2018. Answers (1)
- Name two types of prayer used by Christians.(Solved)
Name two types of prayer used by Christians.
Date posted: July 12, 2018. Answers (1)
- “Christians can learn a lot from the behaviour of Jesus when he was tempted.”
Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer.
“Christians can learn a lot from the behaviour of Jesus when he was tempted.”
Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer.
Date posted: July 12, 2018. Answers (1)
- Explain the importance of Jesus’ baptism.(Solved)
Explain the importance of Jesus’ baptism.
Date posted: July 12, 2018. Answers (1)
- Describe the Ordination ceremony in the Catholic Church.
Describe the Ordination ceremony in the Catholic Church.
Date posted: July 11, 2018. Answers (1)
- “Public worship is more important than private worship.”
Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer(Solved)
“Public worship is more important than private worship.”
Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer
Date posted: July 11, 2018. Answers (1)
- Describe the main characteristics of the Early Church(Solved)
Describe the main characteristics of the Early Church
Date posted: July 11, 2018. Answers (1)
- Name three main furnishings in a Catholic Church.
Describe the location and purpose of each.(Solved)
Name three main furnishings in a Catholic Church.
Describe the location and purpose of each.
Date posted: July 11, 2018. Answers (1)
- “Receiving the Eucharist makes a person a better Catholic.”
Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer(Solved)
“Receiving the Eucharist makes a person a better Catholic.”
Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer
Date posted: July 11, 2018. Answers (1)
- Explain why the Eucharist is a sacrament of thanksgiving(Solved)
Explain why the Eucharist is a sacrament of thanksgiving
Date posted: July 11, 2018. Answers (1)
- Describe what happens during the Consecration of the Mass.(Solved)
Describe what happens during the Consecration of the Mass.
Date posted: July 11, 2018. Answers (1)
- “Mary is the best role model for Catholics.”
Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer.(Solved)
“Mary is the best role model for Catholics.”
Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer.
Date posted: July 11, 2018. Answers (1)
- Explain why the Bible is important to Catholics.(Solved)
Explain why the Bible is important to Catholics.
Date posted: July 11, 2018. Answers (1)
- Name three mysteries of the Rosary. (Solved)
Name three mysteries of the Rosary.
Date posted: July 11, 2018. Answers (1)
- Name two prayers used when praying the Rosary(Solved)
Name two prayers used when praying the Rosary
Date posted: July 11, 2018. Answers (1)
- “Spending time in prayer is the most important part of the work and life of a leader in the church.”
Do you agree? Give reasons...(Solved)
“Spending time in prayer is the most important part of the work and life of a leader in the church.”
Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer.
Date posted: July 11, 2018. Answers (1)
- Explain the significance of the main types of prayer used during worship. (Solved)
Explain the significance of the main types of prayer used during worship.
Date posted: July 11, 2018. Answers (1)