Discuss elements of curriculum development as presented by Tyler


Discuss elements of curriculum development as presented by Tyler.



There are five elements of curriculum development according to Tyler. These are;
1.Situational analysis:
This means analysis of different conditions such as emotions, political, cultural, religious and geographical conditions of a country. This will help curriculum planners in the selection of objectives,selection of organization of learning materials and in suggestion of approximate evaluation procedures.
2.Formation of objectives
There are four main factors for formulating the objectives of education. These are; the society, the knowledge, the learner,the learning process
3.Selection of content,scope and sequence;
One of the important element is the selection of content for a subject at the time of subject matter selection. The following are factors to be kept in mind. These factors include; the available sources and resources, demand of the society, international needs,level and age of the learners, quantity and qualification of teaching staff,scope of subject matter, system of examination and the type of society and culture.
4.Strategies and methods of teaching;
These are strategies and methods of teaching adopted by the teacher during instruction and teaching experiences. In most countries, curriculum development is a centralized process and therefore teachers are not directly involved in this phase.
It is one of the dynamic process which needs continuous research and evaluation for its betterment in order to cope with the variable demands of the society and bring about desirable changes.It is not about student evaluation, it is a broader term used to make judgement about the worth and effectiveness of it with the help of evaluation. Phase experts can modify the curriculum by bringing about desirable changes.

Enockjakano answered the question on July 21, 2018 at 07:18

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