• Judgement especially if it’s destructive can destroy the confidence of another person and make them feel of no use to society.
• Christians have many faults themselves and need to address these rather than highlight the faults in the lives of other people. Jesus said that people should sort out the faults in their own lives before they criticised others.
• They should not be judging or criticising the behaviour and lifestyle of others because they may not know all the background circumstances. Only God can judge people fairly.
On the other hand:
• Criticism can be constructive because the Christian genuinely wants to help a person improve their life style. It is done through love and concern.
• Criticism can help people address failings in their lives and they become a more confident person as a result.
• In the bible the Old Testament prophets judged the people of Israel for turning away from God. Both John the Baptist and Jesus criticised the behaviour of the religious leaders and Christians today would be following their examples.
• A quiet word with a person rather than a public outburst could be the best way to point out a person’s faults.
queen babito answered the question on July 13, 2018 at 14:52
- How did John’s message challenge the people of his day?(Solved)
How did John’s message challenge the people of his day?
Date posted: July 13, 2018. Answers (1)
- Name two things which happened when Jesus came out of the water after his baptism.(Solved)
Name two things which happened when Jesus came out of the water after his baptism.
Date posted: July 13, 2018. Answers (1)
- Which two religious groups did John call “snakes”?(Solved)
Which two religious groups did John call “snakes”?
Date posted: July 13, 2018. Answers (1)
- “Living a Christian life is more important than observing sacraments.”
Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer(Solved)
“Living a Christian life is more important than observing sacraments.”
Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer
Date posted: July 13, 2018. Answers (1)
- Explain why Eucharist/Communion is an act of thanksgiving. (Solved)
Explain why Eucharist/Communion is an act of thanksgiving.
Date posted: July 13, 2018. Answers (1)
- Describe how the Eucharist/Communion service is celebrated in a tradition of your choice. (Solved)
Describe how the Eucharist/Communion service is celebrated in a tradition of your choice.
Date posted: July 13, 2018. Answers (1)
- “The example set by Jesus shows that women should have an equal role to men in the Church.”
Do you agree? Give reasons for your...(Solved)
“The example set by Jesus shows that women should have an equal role to men in the Church.”
Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer.
Date posted: July 13, 2018. Answers (1)
- Explain what Christians learn from Jesus’ meeting with the Samaritan woman at the well.(Solved)
Explain what Christians learn from Jesus’ meeting with the Samaritan woman at the well.
Date posted: July 13, 2018. Answers (1)
- Describe the occasion when Jesus healed the Canaanite woman’s daughter.(Solved)
Describe the occasion when Jesus healed the Canaanite woman’s daughter.
Date posted: July 13, 2018. Answers (1)
- Explain why Pilate tried to have Jesus released. (Solved)
Explain why Pilate tried to have Jesus released.
Date posted: July 13, 2018. Answers (1)
- Describe what happened when Jesus was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane. (Solved)
Describe what happened when Jesus was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Date posted: July 13, 2018. Answers (1)
- “Most people do not care about the true meaning of Christian festivals.”
Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer showing that you...(Solved)
“Most people do not care about the true meaning of Christian festivals.”
Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer showing that you have considered different points of view.
Date posted: July 13, 2018. Answers (1)
- Give reasons why Christians celebrate Pentecost.
Give reasons why Christians celebrate Pentecost.
Date posted: July 13, 2018. Answers (1)
- “Christians should never seek revenge.’’ Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer.
“Christians should never seek revenge.’’ Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer.
Date posted: July 13, 2018. Answers (1)
- Explain why Jesus told the Parable of the Sower.
Explain why Jesus told the Parable of the Sower.
Date posted: July 13, 2018. Answers (1)
- “The Church’s teaching on moral issues never goes out of date.”
Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer showing that you have...(Solved)
“The Church’s teaching on moral issues never goes out of date.”
Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer showing that you have considered different points of view.
Date posted: July 13, 2018. Answers (1)
- Name two types of prayer used by Christians.(Solved)
Name two types of prayer used by Christians.
Date posted: July 12, 2018. Answers (1)
- “Christians can learn a lot from the behaviour of Jesus when he was tempted.”
Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer.
“Christians can learn a lot from the behaviour of Jesus when he was tempted.”
Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer.
Date posted: July 12, 2018. Answers (1)
- Explain the importance of Jesus’ baptism.(Solved)
Explain the importance of Jesus’ baptism.
Date posted: July 12, 2018. Answers (1)
- Describe the Ordination ceremony in the Catholic Church.
Describe the Ordination ceremony in the Catholic Church.
Date posted: July 11, 2018. Answers (1)