An air bubble is released at the bottom of a tall jar containing a liquid


An air bubble is released at the bottom of a tall jar containing a liquid. The height of the liquid column is 80 cm. The volume of the bubble increases from 0.5 cm3 at the bottom of the liquid to 1.15 cm3 at the top. Figure 11 shows the variation of pressure, P, on the bubble with the reciprocal of volume, 15, as it rises in the liquid.
(i) State the reason why the volume increases as the bubble rises in the liquid column.
(ii) From the graph, determine the pressure on the bubble:
(I) at the bottom of the liquid column;
(II) at the top of liquid column



(i) Volume increases as the bubble rises because the pressure due to the liquid column is decreases, therefore the pressure inside the bubble exceeds that of outside, thus the bubble expands.

(ii)(I) P = 1V=10.5=2Pa

corresponding pressure = 1.88 x 105 pa

(II) P =1V = 11.15 = 0.87Pa

corresponding pressure = 0.8 x 105 Pa,
johnmulu answered the question on May 29, 2017 at 06:57

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