Outline functions of tender committee.


Outline functions of tender committee.



Review ,verify and ascertain that all procurement and disposal has been undertaken in accordance with the Act and regulation and the terms set out in the in the tender
Approve the selection of the successful tender or the proposals
Award procurement contracts in accordance with the threshold
To ensure that funds are available for the procurement under consideration
To ensure that procuring entity does not pay in excess of prevailing market rates prices.
Review and prove the use of lots, where packaging into lots has been proposed.
Review the selection of the procurement method and where a procurement method other than open tender has been proposed to ensure that the adoption of the other procurement method is in accordance with the Act, regulations and any other guidelines stipulated by the authority.
Approve the list of persons qualified to submit proposed
Approve the of person to be given request for quotations
Approve the list of tenders in cases of restricted tendering
Approve negotiations
Approve the amendment of contracts previously awarded by the tender committee
To understand any other duty of function.

Judiesiz answered the question on July 16, 2018 at 21:27

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