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Explain why many teenagers find it difficult to achieve their dreams.


Explain why many teenagers find it difficult to achieve their dreams.



1. Living in a comfort zone. The desire to remain in their comfort zone is natural and because of that instinctive need, they jump on the someday bandwagon and push their goals and dreams to the side until another day
2. Negative mindset. The way teenagers think towards achieving their goals play a major role in their success. If they possess a negative mindset, they probably won’t make it. If they expect failure, it makes it easy to not try. If they live with fear, it is hard to overcome setbacks.
3. Succumbing to fear. If they have set their goals and they are ready to live out their vision, they will encounter situations that will fill them with fear and make them feel uncomfortable. Before they can overcome fear.
4 Listening to pessimistic people. Pessimistic people can drain their energy and kill their enthusiasm. They will constantly speak into their life and tell them what they can and cannot be done. They will consistently see the negative side of life and let them know about it.they must figure out exactly what they are afraid of.
5.Procrastination. Procrastination can lead to laziness causing them to relax or comply, with no will to get anything done. Do not fool themselves, their actions and in-actions tell them what they truly value.
6.Making excuses. Too many teenagers have a habit of making excuses for their circumstances. They blame everything and everyone for where they are in life. They say their parents let them down, the company did not treat them fairly, the government was at fault, there are no jobs and the list of excuses goes on and on.
7.Trying to do too much. Trying to achieve too many goals can overwhelm them to the point of frustration and procrastination.they make long lists of goals that they want to achieve. It looks impressive in the beginning, but soon fizzles out because the list of goals becomes impossible for them to achieve.

hydah kerubo answered the question on August 9, 2018 at 09:43

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