1. To provide essential goods and services
2. To provide goods and services that may be unattractive to private investors. This may be as a result of high capital investment compared to the expected returns or it may be as a result of declining profits in provision of such goods and services.
3. To protect the public from exploitation; there are certain goods and services which if left entirely to private sectors to supply, they are likely to lead to exploitation of the public.
4. To avoid abuse of monopoly power; the provision of certain goods and services may attract only one or a few private investors who could end up being monopolist. Therefore, the government may manage to provide such goods and services to bring fair competition.
5. To create employment opportunities. The government may also get involved in investing and production of goods and services in order to create employment opportunities.
6. To manage economy; in many developing countries such as Kenya, many large scale business organization are owned by foreign investors. If this situation is not controlled, the economy of the country could end up being controlled by foreign investors.
7. To enhance efficiency in corporation. Certain services can be operated most efficiently and cheaply only under one business organization.
8. To ensure national security; the production of certain goods and services and their distributions may have security and welfare implications and cannot be left to private sector. Such sensitive industries are left to the government for example production of fire arms and bullets.
Dullayo answered the question on July 26, 2018 at 14:13
- Explain six reasons why developing countries should invest largely in small scale industries rather than in large scale industries(Solved)
Explain six reasons why developing countries should invest largely in small scale industries rather than in large scale industries.
Date posted: July 26, 2018. Answers (1)
- Explain the measures that can be taken to curb the challenges developing countries face in their industrial sectors(Solved)
Explain the measures that can be taken to curb the challenges developing countries face in their industrial sectors.
Date posted: July 26, 2018. Answers (1)
- Examine the key obstacles faced by developing countries in their industrial sectors(Solved)
Examine the key obstacles faced by developing countries in their industrial sectors.
Date posted: July 26, 2018. Answers (1)
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Let us say there is a sudden increase in demand in Kenya for Italian products. Explain how this increase will have an impact on the money supply in Kenya's economy
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Outline functions of tender committee.
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Outline the functions of a Procuring Unit or procurement department in public organization.
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term public good.(Solved)
With the aid of an appropriate example, explain what economists mean by the
term public good.
Date posted: July 9, 2018. Answers (1)
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over-consumption of alcohol.(Solved)
Evaluate some of the other policies that government could use to reduce the
over-consumption of alcohol.
Date posted: July 9, 2018. Answers (1)
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Analyse the likely impact on consumer and producer surplus of the introduction of a minimum price for a unit of alcohol.
Date posted: July 9, 2018. Answers (1)
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With the aid of appropriate examples, explain the main features of oligopoly.
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Critically examine the assumption that firms will always aim to maximise profits.
Date posted: July 9, 2018. Answers (1)
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Date posted: July 9, 2018. Answers (1)
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Critically examine the view that setting a target for the rate of inflation does more harm than good.
Date posted: July 9, 2018. Answers (1)
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Explain the difference between a rise in the general price level and a rise in the rate of inflation.
Date posted: July 9, 2018. Answers (1)
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Evaluate the view that economic growth should no longer be the main objective of government policy
Date posted: July 9, 2018. Answers (1)