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What are the advantages of small scale supermarkets?


What are the advantages of small scale supermarkets?



1. Adaptability, small scale supermarkets usually have a much efficient decision-making system than larger companies do.
2. Control, when you operate in a small scale business, you have much greater control over business decision than a manager in a large chain does.
3. Specialization. they only specialized and focus on one or small number of product categories, which allows them to develop greater knowledge and expertise with their merchandise and services.
4. Customer service. small scale supermarket, usually cater to a niche market and carry a limited range of products.consequently they hire employees who know about products, can make recommendation and discuss the relative advantage of one product brand over another.
5. Convenience. A small store requires a smaller amount of square footage. this means a small shop/supermarket can be located in many more areas than big box stores.
6. Personal marketing. small supermarket can pursue unique marketing events to enhance personal connections between the store and select customers.
Mabongajoel answered the question on August 4, 2018 at 14:36

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