Highlight the remedies to challenges facing agricultural production and marketing


Highlight the remedies to challenges facing agricultural production and marketing.



The following are challenges facing agricultural production and marketing and how they can be remedied

Poor farming systems:
These include among many others, improper use of fertilizers and insecticides,failing to use the right seedlings, Inter-cropping affecting yield, lack of use of crop rotation, lack of proper machinery,wrong timing of planting seasons. All these can be addressed through visiting and educating farmers on proper farming systems by agricultural experts.

Lack of adequate land:
Regulation of use of idle land by the government would allow lower or maintain land prices at affordable rates encouraging more farming.

Use of natural fertilizers and insecticides.
It has been discovered that manure from cattle and chicken is more effective to raise production, not to mention it is also cheaper.

Unreliable rain
Construction of water catchments such as dams for water harvesting would ensure water is available throughout the year and when it is needed.

Poor infrastructure:
Improving roads, rails and infrastructure in general would encourage farming.
Access to available Technology:
Technology plays a vital role on market and prices
Small scale farming:
Pooling together a number of small scale farmers would take advantage of synergy to allow access to larger markets even export abroad.

penny1955 answered the question on August 23, 2018 at 22:15

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