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Expound any eight considerations to observe when constructing a questionnaire


Expound any eight considerations to observe when constructing a questionnaire



1.Try different survey formats
2.Accuracy of the answers that one receives
get the best possible data about these subjective topics, use language the reflects how your respondents actually think and talk about the topic you’re asking about.
How one orders his or her questions of study
Each survey question should follow a logical flow. Jumping around from topic to topic may confuse your respondents and cause them to skip questions or abandon the survey altogether.
3.The effect or survey wording
If you use esoteric language, inaccurate terminology, or highly technical words, your respondents may not be willing (or able) to provide answers.
4.Mode of data collection
You won’t have the benefit of inflection or body language to help convey your questions’ meaning. Phrasing, color choice, and layout will all play major roles in how respondents interpret your questions. Their interpretations will influence your final data.
5.Final survey analysis plan
You will also want to consider whether you want to replicate the survey results, track certain events, or just run a one time analysis on your results. If your goal is to track certain metrics, for example, you should carefully craft tracking questions, as slight changes in wording can totally change the meaning of a question.
6.Bias in self-reported behavior
We should consider appropriate reference periods for the type of behavior we want them to recall. For example, respondents can probably tell you how much time they’ve spent commuting to work this week, but if you ask them how long they commute in a year their recall won’t be as reliable.
7.Your study protocol
This involves getting acquainted with the subject, making a literature review, decide on objectives, formulate a hypothesis, and define the main information needed to test the hypothesis.
8.Pretest and revise
Time and money can preclude a proper pilot so at the very least it should be tested on one or two colleagues for sense, flow and clarity of instructions.
hydah kerubo answered the question on August 8, 2018 at 09:18

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