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Analyze Ugandan agriculture during the colonial times


Analyze Ugandan agriculture during the colonial times



-In Uganda colonial times there was increased development of cooperatives that influenced increased agricultural production mainly crops for their selling purposes.
-The main crops converted for cash crops purposes included: cotton, coffee,tobacco and maize.
-The main contributions for the conversion was mainly due to increased population pressures, land shortages leading to only a third of the arable land being under cultivation.
-In Uganda the commissioner for agricultural cooperatives developed the agricultural movement by encouraging 500000 farmers to join the cooperatives where they later established the constitution and accounting procedures to be followed by the farmers.
-As time went by, each political district owned a cooperative union which developed and built their own stores and eventually the processing factories such as tobacco dryers, cotton ginneries and maize mills.
-All these were made successful by specialists such as Agnes Atim Apea,David Gordon including others as well as existence of Kampala coperative college and the union with the Asian traders.
-The increased political instability, lack of adequate resources and mismanagement led to the eroding of incomes from their commercial agriculture.
-later there came to improvements of technology which led to the peaking up of the stagnated economic as well as agricultural production.
-livestock keeping was also done where they kept cattle, goats and sheep whee they retained their indigenous breeds. This was despite of attacks by parasites such as tsetse-flies, upheaval of the ranches in the 1960s, and attacks by diseases.
-The Ugandan people also practiced beekeeping. Their beekeeping industry mainly suffered from civil unrest throughout the year.this was successfully accomplished through a project known as CARE apiary development project established in year 1980 which later promoted establishment of 4000 hives.The bees contributed much to economic growth as well as improved living standards of living through provisions such as honey and beeswax.

jim items answered the question on October 1, 2018 at 11:28

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