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Explain three reasons why an organization may need to change a new computerized system


Explain three reasons why an organization may need to change a new computerized system.



A company may be attracted to a new computerized system because of focusing on its laid pros. A system may be understood in this matter as the interconnection of people, machines and anything in the company to see the target output of the company's processing realized/achieved. This is a good step but not all companies maintain the systems. Here are just three simple reasons that may lead to the change from a new computerized system:
1. SYSTEM FAILURE:- The new system may come with only a short time function and with time, as the system loads new information and data, it begins to hung and slow, produce unexpected results, corrupt other information or even fail to work at last. This, being experienced past the guaranteed time-frame, will lead to definite change of the new computerized system.
2. LACK OF A QUALIFIED PERSONNEL:- The main problem that comes with a new computerized system, is the requirement of a personnel, well qualified to using it. If a company employs a New Computerized System, maybe at its start, or even while continuing, there may not appear a person with neccessaary and sufficient knowledge and experience for working with the system, thus, leading to a change in the new Computerized system.
3. COST OF RUNNING THE SYSTEM:- Some systems are good with functionality, output, reliability and wholly every requirement of a new system, you may even have the best person and a well naurished user of the system, but on the other hand, kill the main aim of any business using it, (making profit) It may be using alot of resources to run; maybe power, number of workers or even maintaining costs. When comparing the inputs that the system requires to run, and the output; that is the earning a company gets from the system output, it may not be satisfying to the company aims. This may lead to a definite and immediate shut and change of a new computerized system.
Eng melau answered the question on August 14, 2018 at 08:49

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