The Nilotes are the group of people whose origin is associated with river Nile and who have similarities in the languages they speak. This is why they are referred to as Nilotic speakers. They originated from the south-Western fringe of the Ethiopians highlands. In Kenya, they are the second largest language group. The following are social organization of the Nilotes;
- They were slight variations in the social organization of the various Nilotic group in Kenya. However, they shared institutions such as the clan-based organization, belief in one God, veneration of ancestral spirits, age-set system, social ceremonies and existence of religious leaders.
- They had the family which was their basic social unit in many communities as the father the head of the family where by several related families grouped together to form clans among the Luo, Maasai, and Nandi.
- They believed in one supernatural being. The maasai referred to him as Engai while Luo called him as Nyasaye. The communities believed in the existence of ancestral spirits, to whom sacrifices and libations were made to ensure they remained happy.
- There was existence of religipous leaders whose work was tom lead the communities during religious functions and rituals. Some of the leaders had assumed political power by 19th century. For example, the Orkoiyot among the Nandi community and Oloibon among the Maasai. The Maasai and other Nilotic groups had rain makers and diviners who performed various functions.
The Nilotes also had age-set system which was another common social institution. The age-set were formed by those who were formed by those who were initiated at the same time. The institution created a bond among the initiates that cut across the families and clans thus uniting the whole community.
- They were social ceremonies that accompanied the rites of passage like circumcision, marriage and death.
- The Luo as their form of initiation extracted six lower teeth. The other groups practiced circumcision. In all the groups, the initiates were taught the community values.
Mabongajoel answered the question on August 15, 2018 at 15:57
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