a. You have been appointed by a leading Enterprise to assess and evaluate its system of IT internal controls. What are the key management practices to...


a. You have been appointed by a leading Enterprise to assess and evaluate its system of IT internal controls. What are the key management practices to be followed to carry on the assignment complying with COBIT?



• Planning and Organization: assessing the use of information & technology and how best it can be used in a company to help achieve the company's goals and objectives. It also highlights the organizational and infrastructural form IT is to take in order to achieve the optimal results and to generate the most benefits from the use of IT.
• Acquire and Implement: The identifying of IT requirements, acquiring the technology, and implementing it within the company's current business processes. This domain also addresses the development of a maintenance plan that a company should adopt in order to prolong the life of an IT system and its components.
• Delivery and Support: It covers areas such as the execution of the applications within the IT system and its results, as well as, the support processes that enable the effective and efficient execution of these IT systems. These support processes include security issues and training.
• Monitor and Evaluate: The Monitoring and Evaluation domain deals with a company's strategy in assessing the needs of the company and whether or not the current IT system still meets the objectives for which it was designed and the controls necessary to comply with regulatory requirements. Monitoring also covers the issue of an independent assessment of the effectiveness of IT system in its ability to meet business objectives and the company's control processes by internal and external auditors.

Judiesiz answered the question on August 20, 2018 at 07:18

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