What are the common threats to the computerized environment other than natural disasters like fire and power failure?


What are the common threats to the computerized environment other than natural disasters like fire and power failure?



i. Botnets- A collection of software robots, or 'bots', that creates an army of infected computers (known as ‘zombies') that are remotely controlled by the originator.
ii. Distributed denial-of-Service - A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack is when a malicious user gets a network of zombie computers to sabotage a specific website or server.
iii. Hacking- Gaining unauthorized access to a computer. The availability of information online on the tools, techniques, and malware makes it easier for even non-technical people to undertake malicious activities.
iv. Malware- Malicious software that infects your computer, such as computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses, spyware, and adware. May reformat the hard drive of your computer causing you to lose all your information, send emails on your behalf e.t.
v. Spyware- Software that collects personal information about you without you knowing. They often come in the form of a ‘free' download and are installed automatically with or without your consent. These are difficult to remove and can infect your computer with viruses.

Judiesiz answered the question on August 20, 2018 at 07:19

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