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The following are steps carried by a student during a chemistry practical to determine the concentration of an acid using...


The following are steps carried by a student during a chemistry practical to determine the concentration of an acid using a known concentration of a base. Study the steps and answer the questions that follows(note:Steps are not consecutively)
(a) Rinse conical, pipette and burette using distilled water
(b)Assemble apparatus required set them
(c) Pour HCL to a burette
(d) Put a funnel on top of a burette
(e) Open burette tap to adjust volume of acid to a mark
(f) Add three drops of phenolphthalein indicator into conical flask.
(g) Titrate burette contents(acid) against conical contents(base) until the pink colour just disappear
(h) Suck 1M sodium hydroxide using pippete
and transfer to conical flask.
(I) Record the volume of acid used and repeat the procedure.
(I)Using alphabets (a-i) give the correct order of steps
(II) Why is it necessary to add an indicator to contents in conical flask and not the ones in burette?
(III) How can one determine end point?
(Iv) Write balance equation between acid and base



(I) a, b, d, c, e, h, f, g, I. vv
(II) When added to contents in conical flask(base), it changes colour from colourless to pink but with contents in burette it does not change it remains colourless.vv
(III) End point is determined when the pink colour of contents in conical flask justvv dissapper.
(iv) NaOH(aq)+HCl(aq)-->NaCl(aq)+H2O(l)

Kipssben answered the question on August 20, 2018 at 17:55

Next: (a) Define the following terms (I) Molar mass (II) A molar solution (III)Standard Solution (Iv)End point
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