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Describe the qualities expected of a teacher by society


Describe the qualities expected of a teacher by society



Qualities expected of a teacher by society
Teachers encounter varies challenges. Not only should they ensure that the curriculum is implemented as expected and learners are molded into useful members of society but they also have to keep an image that confirms with society's expectation. The expected qualities include the following:
The community expects teachers to be in patient particularly towards weak learners. They should not be too hasty in their reactions. They are expected to be patient and tolerant towards students who are not well performing. They are expected to communicate effectively. If provoked, teachers are expected to show understanding and maturity. These are attributes society expects teachers to pass over to learners.
b) Sympathy/Empathy
Society expects teachers to listen to the plight of poor and needy students and assist them to find a bearing. It is felt by society that students may speak more freely to teachers rather than their own parents. Parents have at times come to school to inquire if there were any complaints raised by their children
c) Respect
Society expects teachers to show respect to members of the community and students and instill this same virtue in learners. Teachers are expected to appreciate that students are different and respect and assisted them as unique beings. .
d)Firmness and Fairness
Society expects teachers to be firm but fair in order to socialize learners into honesty. They should be highly principled. However methods of enforcing discipline and the authority of the teacher as a disciplinarian have been challenged particularly with the outlawing of caning in schools.
e) Surrogate Parent
Most parents expect the teacher to play the role of surrogate parents to their children in school. Many particularly in private schools have the concept that the fee paid is a guarantee that teachers will also cover parental roles. Some parents are also very busy making ends meet. They hardly have time for their children but expect the school to fill this gap. Some of the parents 'love' their children too much and would not want to offend them or create antagonism. The teacher is therefore expected to solve all disciplinary issues and promote academic achievement.
f) Leaders
Teachers are looked upon to provide leadership in the community. This is through
their involvement in communal activities such as coordinators and facilitators in 'Harambees', conservation, education, health related issues and religious occasions. Through this involvement students too learn the importance of communal unity. Teachers are expected to be political coordinators and facilitators within their communities. They are expected to socialize politically and empower the learners and the public on their civil rights and patriotism.
g) Change Agents
Society expects teachers to bring positive changes in the community. They are looked upon as transformers of archaic and retrogressive traditions. In many public meetings particularly in rural areas, teachers are called upon to give their views. Teachers are also expected to uphold and reinforce the values held by the community. The government expects teachers to mould students to be good citizens. Although society expects a lot from the teacher, rarely are teachers rewarded through salary increments nor is their social prestige boosted to match their supposed importance
Moraa orina answered the question on August 21, 2018 at 13:16

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